Free Gas Testing And Purging Certificate Template

Download a free Gas Testing & Purging Certificate template (domestic or non-domestic)

Save time filling out and organising your Gas Testing and Purging certificates with a simple & free template.

Sample image of the legionella risk assessment template

Download, fill out, and issue digital Gas Testing and Purging Certificates (CP16 or CP32) for your customers. 

Nowadays, customers expect work to be done quickly, correctly, and professionally. Using a digital template like this is a quick & easy way to save time. Complete the certificate in the field and get it filed away then and there.

 Can be used on mobile devices and desktops
 Easy to organise
 100% free
 Both domestic & non-domestic versions 
 Compliant with industry regulations

Sign up to Gas Engineer Software for an all-in-one software solution that includes certificate creation, invoicing & more.

Sample image of the legionella risk assessment template

    Domestic Gas Testing & Purging Certificate Download

      Non-Domestic Gas Testing & Purging Certificate Download

      How to complete a fillable CP16 or CP32 PDF template

      These templates do not require any specialist software to use. Filling them out online and sending them to customers can quickly become second nature – and save you the money spent on paper pads. Just follow these steps:


      Step #1: Enter your email and receive the file via email.

      Step #2: To improve organisation and record-keeping, we suggest making a copy of the file for each new customer.

      Step #3: Open it in a reader such as Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Reader, Apple Preview, or equivalent on your phone.

      Step #4: Complete the certificate as normal and don’t forget to save.

      Step #5: Add any digital signatures and logos by inserting photos into the PDF file or using the markup tool on your device.

      Step #6: Export the file ready to be sent to your customer.

      Step #7: Send the file to your customer, office staff, your own records and any other relevant parties.

      What is a Gas Testing and Purging Certificate?

      Create custom forms for your team

      When gas pipework is repaired or replaced, testing and purging must be conducted to ensure the new installation’s safety. Heating & plumbing companies with Gas Safe Registered engineers will carry out the necessary work, which may involve purging, tightness testing, and strength testing. 

      Once completed, the engineer will issue a Gas Testing & Purging Certificate as a report for the client to certify their work. For domestic customers, this will be a CP32 certificate. For non-domestic clients, a CP16 is used instead. 

      In non-domestic properties, a CP16 gas certificate is annually renewable and required under Commercial Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Legislation 2018 for all commercial buildings. Without a valid certificate, your client’s insurance may be invalidated.

      What is a Gas Testing and Purging Certificate?

      When gas pipework is repaired or replaced, testing and purging must be conducted to ensure the new installation’s safety. Heating & plumbing companies with Gas Safe Registered engineers will carry out the necessary work, which may involve purging, tightness testing, and strength testing. 

      Once completed, the engineer will issue a Gas Testing & Purging Certificate as a report for the client to certify their work. For domestic customers, this will be a CP32 certificate. For non-domestic clients, a CP16 is used instead. 

      In non-domestic properties, a CP16 gas certificate is annually renewable and required under Commercial Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Legislation 2018 for all commercial buildings. Without a valid certificate, your client’s insurance may be invalidated.

      What makes a PDF template better than paper?

      In a nutshell, these templates make it so your engineers can complete their work in the field – issuing and filing included. They’re able to do this from their pad or other mobile device as they’re on location. 

      Using a PDF is simple and instinctive and simply involves filling in the information as you would on a paper certificate.

        Forget about paperwork.

      Digital certificates are much easier to organise. Both you and your client have the option to print out a hard copy if needed. You’ll find you can leave your paperwork at home and just take your phone or tablet with you to issue certificates.

        It looks professional.

      Scribbled handwriting, unbranded templates, flimsy carbon copies – this is the bare minimum. A PDF template like this can be customised to add your logo and brand name, is much neater and easier to read, and provides a digital option for customers that prefer it (especially the younger ones).

        Easier to manage and organise.

      These PDFs can’t be lost, damaged or defaced, or mislaid when clients move offices. You also don’t have to worry about rips, creases, smudges, coffee stains – you name it. When the job is done, simply store it in a safe folder on your device. This is much easier than having to bring your copy back to the office or home to file away after your work hours.


      What is included on these Gas Testing and Purging Certificates?

      Our CP16 Gas Testing and Purging Certificate template is fully compliant with all industry standards offering you and your client complete peace of mind. 

      Both forms include simple fields like company, customer, and site details, a general comments box, and signature fields. 

      On our CP16 Non Domestic forms, you’ll find:

      • Strength test details
      • Tightness test details
      • Purging procedure details
      • Tick boxes to indicate the work done

      On CP32 Domestic forms, there is: 

      • Installation details.
      • Installation volume details with tightness test information.
      • Purging details.
      • General installation information such as whether the gas installation is safe for use.
      Manage your job properly and see every detail
      Gas Certificate Software and App

      Other free templates

      We have many other free templates ready to download & use. Here are a few that may be relevant to you:



      Find our full list of free templates here.

      Go paperless with FieldRocket’s certificate software

      Customisable, professional, and efficient. FieldRocket offers a way for your business to go paperless with all your industry certificates, records, and forms. 

      Save time and eliminate stress creating, issuing, and filing certificates through easy-to-use software. FieldRocket also connects your record history with a database of all your customer details, job histories, and an organised scheduling system.

      Without mountains of paperwork to deal with, you and your team are free to focus on what you do best. Start a free trial today.

      Secure software development so you can be sure your data is safe
      Customisable, professional, and efficient. FieldRocket offers a way for your business to go paperless with all your industry certificates, records, and forms. 

      Save time and eliminate stress creating, issuing, and filing certificates through easy-to-use software. FieldRocket also connects your record history with a database of all your customer details, job histories, and an organised scheduling system.

      Without mountains of paperwork to deal with, you and your team are free to focus on what you do best. Start a free trial today.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What other free certificate templates do you have?

      We’ve got a growing list of free templates, many of which useful for gas engineers. Check out these: 

      Or our full list can be found here

      Why is software better than a template for these certificates?

      Templates give you a start in the world of paperless solutions. They’re quicker, easier, and cheaper than paper certificates, but are still only one part of your workflow. 

      Software like FieldRocket helps connect your certificates with each other part of your workflow. Think about the quotes, invoices, job sheets and more all connected by a customer’s profile in your database. 

      How does a PDF template benefit the customer?

      Certificates are official and professional documents. Keeping them neat, tidy and organised is a guaranteed way to impress customers and make their life easier.