
Gas Safe inspections happen to all gas engineers at one point or another. But what exactly do you need to do for them?

We were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to sit down with an ex-Gas Safe Inspector. Terry has years of experience in the field and is full of useful tips for anyone interested in what goes on behind the scenes. 

Come get the inside scoop by watching or listening to the full episode.

Listen to the episode:


      • Terry shares a little about his background, and how he became a Gas Safe Inspector. (1:19)
      • What kind of qualifications do inspectors need? (1:59)
      About the inspections
      • The questions asked are not anything to catch people out. No trick questions. (3:51)
      • Inspectors still have to ask questions about qualifications you have, but don’t use. (4:15)
      • Most new engineers are a bit nervous about the inspections, but you can always take your time. (8:03)
      • If an engineer doesn’t know something, the inspector should go through it with them. (9:20)
      • Inspections are open book. If you can go and find the answer, that’s good enough. (9:48)
      Things that engineers miss
      • Tightness testing should be known off the top of your head. There’s a range of acceptable pressures, but often engineers would give just a single figure. (10:24)
      • People that have been in the industry longer tend to get the answer ‘right’, but not always by the books. (11:28)
      • Flue integrity tests are another one that engineers struggle with. It’s more than a visual test, and should include proper test results. (11:53)
      • Unsafe situations booklet. Is it immediately dangerous or at risk? This can be a PDF you download to keep ony our phone. (15:10)
      • People have a tendency to over-categorise safety issues. (15:42)
      • Warning labels / stickers used to be immediate danger and at risk. Now there’s just one sticker. (17:39)
      • It’s how you talk to the customer to convey this risk. (18:52)
      • Maximum rate test is usually filled in, but minimum rate is often left blank. (38:52)
      • Tests need to be done, and engineers will sometimes save time by just writing down stuff from manufacturers info, like gas rates. (40:34)
      Approaching risk & ‘concern visits’
      • How different engineers approach risk. (20:40)
      • Terry walks through what happens when a complaint is made about a gas engineer. (22:30)
      • Manufacturer’s instructions are the most important safety document for any gas appliance. (25:37)
      • The drop in pressure from the boiler to the gas meter – what is acceptable? (26:12)
      • What it feels like to have a concern email and an inspector coming to visit. (29:39)
      • If you’re getting a concern once a week or month, it will get flagged up. But engineers will always have the opportunity to get it right. (32:00)
      • What happens when regulations change and engineers aren’t aware of something? (33:51)
      • A lot of companies want engineers to do up to 15 gas safeties, and there is a culture of rushing things. This pressure is hard to balance. (43:45)
      Preparing for an inspection
      • How can you prepare for an upcoming inspection? Service modes, familiarise yourself with the appliance(37:00)
      • Epecially if you’re a new engineer, prepare a checklist for the work you do. If it’s there in font of you, you can’t go wrong. (41:32)
      • Doing gas rates on smart meters isn’t as easy as it once was with all the new manufacturers. (42:41)
      • Take the time to do checks properly, and look through existing Gas Safety Records if available. (40:04)